I've made it through my first trimester and I'm feeling a thousand times better! I feel like I have a ton of energy but it's probably just the same as before I was pregnant and I just forgot what it was like not to be tired. And it's a good thing because we've already started our marathon of weddings this summer. Last weekend we went to Crested Butte, Colorado for Brian and Shana Hood's wedding. Next weekend to New Jersey. Then home for one day and off to Seattle. Then home for one more day and then down to Nashville. Then we have a whole week off before we go up to Wisconsin, for the last wedding and a canoe trip!
I can't believe it was just a week or two ago that I was waiting for a bump. Now it's growing every day. At this rate I'm not going to make it through September! This pic is from last week and I'm way bigger now.
can't wait too see you...