Well, the main reason for having a blog is so I can post updates on my pregnancy. (Besides that, no one would want to read about our boring lives!)
At my first doctor appointment last month I had a sonogram to figure out the due date since I had absolutely no idea. I had thought I was about 9 weeks then and the due date would be Dec 17 (the day after my birthday), but according to the sonogram I was only 7 weeks and 2 days so the due date is now Dec 29 (poor kid!). Anyway, I got to see the fetus and could see the heart beating which was pretty cool.
So, I am now 11 weeks along and had my second doctor appointment today. The nurse found the baby's heartbeat, which was 160. Even though now I've seen it on the sonogram and heard the heartbeat, I still don't really feel like there's something inside me! I want to get my bump so it seems more real! Some days I think my belly looks bigger, but I'm not sure. Finally the nausea is passing. And today is the first day I feel like I have a normal amount of energy! Yay!