Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Swaffetus must be lazy

I've been trying to concentrate on feeling the baby move, but I still haven't felt anything. It should be moving around a ton, but I just don't know what kind of feeling I'm looking for. I've read that first time moms can't distinguish the baby's movements until later, but I know something has to be going on and if I just focus enough I'll be able to tell.

Once I feel it moving then I think I'll feel like I'm really pregnant. The tiredness, growing belly, sore back and feet, and big appetite just haven't really convinced me. I sometimes feel like there's no way I can actually be having a baby! I don't feel like I'm old enough to be a mom (even though I'll be thirty when it's born) and the idea that Kyle and I are going to be responsible for a baby seems ridiculous!

1 comment:

  1. I totally felt the same way! The first time I felt Brett move I wasn't convinced it was movement! PS - I love the nickname Swaffetus (:
